Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyer

Large trucks and other commercial vehicles pose a significant risk to all travelers on Indianapolis's roads. Despite their obvious utility in moving cargo from one location to another, the massive size of these vehicles makes them slow to stop in an emergency and unable to see smaller vehicles in close proximity.

The resulting injuries that can result from a collision with a commercial vehicle have the potential to devastate every part of your life. Naturally, this may include physical injuries. Additionally, a crash can impact your ability to earn a living, enjoy time with loved ones, or even live a life free from pain.

If you were injured in a collision involving a big rig or tractor-trailer, an Indianapolis truck accident lawyer may be able to help you. A skilled personal injury attorney could explain the laws that govern safe truck operations and demonstrate how a trucker's failure to follow those rules led to your injuries. It is also worth noting the rise in truck collisions and fatality rates rising in Indiana between 2019 and 2020 despite the reduced traffic on the roads due to COVID-19. Research shows the reason why the fatality rates rose was primarily caused by truck driver negligence.

A Trucking Company May Share Responsibility

One important but often overlooked aspect of a truck accident case is the proper identification of liable parties. A trucker who causes an accident is to blame for the incident. And their insurance company protects the driver from much personal liability.

However, in some situations, a trucking company may share the blame. This is because of the concept of law called respondeat superior. In short, this law states that employers are responsible for the negligent acts of their employees while those employees are performing work duties. As a result, if a trucker was on the clock when a collision occurred, it is likely that their employer is jointly liable. This may not always be true.

Many truckers are independent contractors who own their own vehicles . In these situations, that trucker and their insurance company are the sole potential defendants.

It is essential to be able to make this determination quickly.

Indiana Code § 34-11-2-4 says that there is a strict two-year time limit on claims for compensation following truck accidents. A knowledgeable Indianapolis truck accident lawyer could help to identify all possible defendants and file insurance claims and lawsuits within the statute of limitations.

Contact An Indianapolis Truck Accident Attorney Today To Discuss Your Legal Options

Suffering injuries in a truck accident can place you in a difficult position. Of course, you need to make your best recovery and try to get your life back to normal. Sadly, the need to attend medical appointments lost quality of life, and an inability to get back to work may make this impossible. Thankfully, the law says that you have the right to demand compensation for all your losses from negligent truck drivers, their insurance companies, and their employers. However, collecting these payments can be a fight in and of itself.

Collecting appropriate payments after a truck accident requires you to show that a truck driver was at fault for the accident. This could necessitate gathering evidence from the scene of the crash, talking with witnesses, and even working with accident reconstruction experts. You will also need to demonstrate how the incident has impacted your life.

Let an Indianapolis truck accident lawyer take every necessary step to bring you the compensation that you deserve while you concentrate on setting your life back in order. Considering the severity of injuries resulting from commercial truck vehicles colliding into you or a loved one's standard-sized vehicle, our trial lawyers would begin the investigation process immediately.

If you have a case, our attorneys would hire investigators to evaluate the truck's condition and file a temporary restraining order (TRO) to prevent the truck company's insurance representatives from trying to remove the black box of the truck. The black box tracks the driver's log times and could determine whether the trucker was driving beyond his which tracks the trucker's drive log time. Again, if the trucker was driving for more than 11 hours before this collision occurred, the trucker has violated the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration laws discussed above. As such, hiring an experienced attorney who handles truck accident cases is critical to the value of your case. We look forward to representing you against the commercial trucking company. Call today to receive a free case consultation.

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Yosha Cook & Tisch – Personal Injury Lawyers

Consider Working With An Indianapolis Truck Accident Attorney

Attorney Randall “Randy” Sevenish has a background as a police officer and knows how to conduct the types of complex investigations that are involved in semi-truck accident cases. He also never backs down from a challenge, especially when a client's health and financial security are at stake.

If you have been injured or lost a family member in a large truck crash in Indianapolis or elsewhere in Indiana, you can count on Sevenish Law Firm to seek justice for you. Don't wait to take action. Learn about working with our Indianapolis truck accident lawyers during a free consultation.